Jumat, 16 November 2012

Alat Test Gula Darah

Alat Test Gula Darah
Asam Urat dan Kolesterol yang ekonomis dengan akurasi yang cukup baik. Sangat cocok untuk monitoring harian
3 in 1 system (Test uric acid and blood glucose levels and cholesterol in one meter)
Easy to handle
Auto Power on & off
Store 70 results
Show result in 20 sec
Big display screen (3.5 x 4.5cm)
No Cleaning & Wiping
Capillary Whole Blood
Result in only 20 Seconds
70 Sets of Test Result Memory
Auto Power On & Off
Large Screen

Berat : 450gr
CS : 082369066960
HARGA : Rp. 450.000,- Pembelian jumlah banyak harga nego
kunjungi toko online kami di:www.voechaishop.blogspot.com

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